Michele Cataldo


Michele Cataldo

managing partner

Michele Cataldo is the Managing Partner and Board Member of CapitaLink.

He has worked in banking for about 15 years, holding various positions in major banking institutions, starting his career at Pioneer Investments in Dublin, before joining HVB in Munich in the Small Business Marketing department in 2008.

In 2009, he became a project manager in the Foreign Banks Division of Intesa Sanpaolo, implementing several strategic international projects in Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Egypt, Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Albania.

In 2014, he moved to Banca IMI in the Structured Finance division. He worked on several operations involving project financing, M&A, MBO, corporate loan structuring and after three years, he moved to Eurizon Capital SGR, coordinating the product development activities (funds and asset management) for Eastern Europe.

Michele graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce from the Federico II University of Naples.
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